Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0013p210 | AMEND Young Investigator's Award | SFEBES2007

Routine preoperative venous sampling is not necessary in aldosterone producing adenoma (Conn’s syndrome)

Srikugan Lanitha , Thomas Stephen M , Powrie Jake K , Howard Jonathan , Brackenridge Anna , Carroll Paul V

Controversy exists as to the role of adrenal venous sampling in the assessment of primary aldosteronism (PA). There is no consensus as to how best to define successful outcome post resection of aldosterone producing adenoma (APA). We performed a retrospective analysis of the outcome of patients following unilateral adrenalectomy without pre-operative venous sampling. The study included 14 patients (9 males; mean age 47 yrs (r: 38–59 yrs) with PA and CT identified u...

ea0081oc7.2 | Oral Communications 7: Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology 2 | ECE2022

Kisspeptin administration has therapeutic potential for men with low sexual desire by increasing penile tumescence and sexual brain processing

Mills Edouard , Ertl Natalie , Wall Matt B , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Suladze Sofiya , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Patel Bijal , Muzi Beatrice , Ettehad Dena , Howard Jonathan , Rabiner Eugenii A , Bech Paul , Abbara Ali , Goldmeier David , Comninos Alexander , Dhillo Waljit

Background: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is associated with dysfunctional brain activation in regions governing sexual responses, resulting in a deficiency/absence of sexual desire with marked distress. It affects up to 8% of men with detrimental effects on quality of life, interpersonal relationships and fertility, but so far has no licensed treatment options. The reproductive neuropeptide kisspeptin offers a putative therapeutic target owing to its emerging role ...

ea0099p142 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2024

Decoding desire: a neurofunctional exploration of distressing low sexual desire reveals sexually dimorphic brain responses

Tsoutsouki Jovanna , Ertl Natalie , G Mills Edouard , B Wall Matt , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Bassett Paul , Patel Bijal , Howard Jonathan , Abbara Ali , Goldmeier David , Comninos Alexander , Dhillo Waljit

Background: Distressing low sexual desire, termed Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), affects 10% of women and 8% of men. The established ‘top-down’ neurofunctional model of HSDD in women suggests that in response to erotic cues, excessive activation of higher-level cognitive brain regions (involved in introspection/self-monitoring) suppresses lower-level sexual brain centres, thereby impeding normal sexual function. By contrast, the neurodysfunction in men wit...

ea0104p188 | Reproductive Endocrinology | SFEIES24

The neural bases underlying distressing low sexual desire is sex specific

Tsoutsouki Jovanna , Ertl Natalie , Mills Edouard , Wall Matt , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Suladze Sofiya , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Patel Bijal , Bassett Paul , Howard Jonathan , Abbara Ali , Golmeier David , Comninos Alexander N. , Dhillo Waljit S.

Background: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) affects 10% of women and 8% of men. In women, the ‘top-down’ neurofunctional HSDD model suggests that hyperactivation of higher-level cognitive brain regions suppresses lower-level sexual brain activity in response to erotic cues, impairing sexual function. Conversely, the neurodysfunction in men with HSDD is not fully characterised and unlike in women where therapies exist, there are no licensed pharmacotherapeuti...

ea0086op3.1 | Reproductive and Neuroendocrinology | SFEBES2022

Kisspeptin enhances penile tumescence and sexual brain processing in men with low sexual desire

Mills Edouard G , Ertl Natalie , Wall Matt B , Thurston Layla , Yang Lisa , Suladze Sofiya , Hunjan Tia , Phylactou Maria , Patel Bijal , Muzi Beatrice , Ettehad Dena , Bassett Paul A , Howard Jonathan , Rabiner Eugenii A , Bech Paul , Abbara Ali , Goldmeier David , Comninos Alexander N , Dhillo Waljit S

Background: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) is associated with a deficiency of sexual desire with marked distress. It affects up to 8% of men, but has no licensed treatments. The reproductive neuropeptide kisspeptin offers a putative therapeutic target owing to its emerging role in modulating reproductive behaviour in animal models and healthy men. However, there are no studies examining its effects in HSDD. To address this, we performed the first clinical study of ki...